If you want to have a forum but don’t know where to start, don’t worry! There are so many options for you to evaluate that you can easily be spoilt for choice. Nowadays there is a gazillion of forum platforms to choose the one which will perfectly suit your needs. SMF and vBulletin forum platforms are at your disposal as well. Simple Machines Forum (SMF) is a free and easy-to-use software, while vBulletin is considered to be the most reliable forum solution. So, let’s analyze both of them to find out which one will meet your requirements best of all.

SMF is a software package which enables you to develop and run a forum very easily. Because lots of forums are currently used along with the websites, SMF prides itself on having SSI (Server Side Includes) function which aims to establish the connection between a forum and a website. Despite all the advantages associated with SMF, the software has some drawbacks which should be mentioned. Though the platform provides its users with many free themes – it is really hard to find a quality one. And one more thing, you will have to wait longer to get support compared to vBulletin.

vBulletin is world-known forum software.  It is not limited only by forum creation – the platform has all the tools and even more to develop a blog, a website or any other web projects. With the help of themes, plugins and skins that vBulletin comes shipped with, it is possible to create an amazing and professionally-looking forum and make that forum run successfully. One disadvantage about this software is that it is paid. However, it has a 24/7 support which ensures you to get the answers to all your questions anytime.

So, being aware of these two forum platforms ins and outs – it’s up to you to make the final choice between them. If you have decided to migrate SMF to vBulletin – CMS2CMS online converter can make your SMF to vBulletin conversion flawless and accurate. Check up the infographic presented below to make sure that it is as easy as a pie:


Don’t waste your time any longer! Start a free Demo Migration and enjoy your new vBulletin forum in some minutes.