How Growth-Driven Redesign and CMS Migration Make x2 Impact?

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

It’s time to get away from tradition-bound methods of changing the face and the soul of your website. Though when trying different things, you should stay committed to the ‘tradition’ of your thoroughly-prepared strategy. Growth-driven redesign and CMS migration may be a very powerful locomotive for the real breakthrough.

Growth-driven re-/design vs the traditional one.

Growth-driven design or redesign is a type of ‘dynamic’ design/redesign or if you want, ‘re-/designing in process.’ (uh…something went way too explanatory)…

Based on the constant need to learn and research more about your visitors and audience, such an activity always helps you to find out your weak and strong points and see what you need to improve. The main idea behind GDD/Redesign is, generally speaking, to focus on the real impact. Get more knowledge of your buyer personas, where are they in their buyer’s journey, what issues do they have, and what solutions you can offer right on your website.

The ‘golden’ number in Growth-driven design/redesign is 20. Determine 20% of data on your website which will lead to an immediate impact. As you decided on that core 20%, launch your website along with it and follow the ‘develop-learn-transfer-plan’ methodology.

Based on Inbound Strategy, Growth-driven design/redesign also makes marketers and sales unite in close cooperation. These are two primary sources of knowing who your audience is and what do they need.

Instead, the traditional redesign is quite ‘static,’ there are no guarantees, though, that your conversion rates will improve or that you’ll get more visitors right away.

By the way, why is it ‘static?’ Once a website’s design is completely developed, there are fewer chances to change something. This is mostly done in 1,5- 2 years, at the time when website redesign is planned.

Such ‘static’ redesign of your website can be done multiple million of times, though make sure you really need it wasting all of your resources, making a heck of hiatus (up to 3 months or more) strength and losing users.

How’re the feelings now?

Growth-Driven Redesign and CMS Migration. Reasons-To-Do

To make the process of studying and discovering your clients’ needs smooth, select your well-performing CMS platform. An appropriate choice will influence user experience and the way you customize and manage your website. Platforms, like WordPress, can help you set up a well-working and nicely designed website which would be flexible and dynamic.

Decide which CMS to use, how the current platform might be helpful to satisfy your needs. Then, let the strategy of Growth-driven redesign hit the dancefloor.

Shortly on migration part. Make sure, you planned the migration process well and had all the tools and resources included in this part. To avoid data loss, create a backup of your website data. To ‘move’ your SEO rankings, use 301 redirects of the most important pages of your old website and of course, monitor your website after the move.

Get to know more about SEO strategy during the migration.

CMS2CMS will gladly assist you when it’s ‘ Growth-Driven Redesign and CMS Migration ’ time. With the opportunity to perform Free Demo Migration and see how everything works first, things become truly genuine.

Estimate Your Migration Price

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Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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