Weebly vs. WordPress: Which One Your Web Project Needs? [+Infographic]


Choosing the right platform for a future website can be difficult. So far, Weebly and WordPress are common options offered by the web market. Both are capable enough but how to understand which one is will be better for your web project? Let’s find out!

Weebly in details

weeblyWeebly is one of the largest site builders powering 0.4% of all websites (which is more than 50m websites). Why? The answer is simple – nobody wants to hire a developer if you can create a professional-quality website or online store in a few hours.

 So, what’s else is worthy and special about having your website on Weebly?

  • If you are familiar with this platform, the very first word that comes to mind while describing this platform can be ‘easy-to-use’. Indeed, Weebly is often recommended to anyone who doesn’t feel tech-savvy. 
  • Themes are good-looking, customizable and responsive, which means the design look great on every device. If you changed your mind and decided to pick another template you don’t have to worry – you can simply make a switch (in spite of Wix).
  • Weebly’s App Center is a place where things are just getting interesting after setting up the design. There are around 300 apps in eCommerce, Marketing, Social, or  Site Tools categories. Apps can be free or paid.
  • Weebly provides helpful and simple SEO guides in help and support center. Advice on coding, keyword optimization, and different ranking tips are included.

However, Weebly, as other web builders, has a few points it can’t boast about. 

  • A drag-and-drop feature can be considered as an imperfect customization tool. Things are different if you’re confident with a code – Weebly makes it easy to edit or add a bit of code.
  • For some reason, Weebly blocked all traffic from China, Russia, and Ukraine. That means a good chunk of web visiting could be cut for many blogs and online business owners who own the website based on this platform.
  • As Weebly’s hosting is the only choice, you have to acknowledge that you will not really own your website. Plus, the platform doesn’t provide any restore option. Therefore, if your website is down all you can rely on is the support team.
  • Mind that once you pay for the plan, it is impossible to keep your site if you wish to downgrade.

WordPress saves a day

WordPress-logoThis open-source CMS is indisputably the most well-known and beloved platform on a global scale. If you would like to set your web project on a simple, yet powerful platform, WordPress should be on your consideration. 

Why is WordPress so popular?

  • Unlimited flexibility allows creating any type of website with any complexity. WordPress has enough functionality to handle everything from simple blogs up to big enterprise-size websites with thousands of pages and users.
  • WordPress has great native SEO capabilities, which are empowered by SEO plugins like Yoast.
  • Endless amount of additional plugins and various theme possibilities is another thing WordPress is popular for. A huge library of plugins are targeted at expanding the core functionality of the platform as required.

However, no CMS is perfect. Thus, WordPress has disadvantages as well. 

  • Due to enormous popularity, WordPress is often the target for the hackers. 

“WordPress makes it very easy to build and own a website. This attracts users who have no experience in managing websites to have their own website. As such there is nothing wrong with this, however, they do critical mistakes when running a website, such as using weak passwords and running outdated plugins, WordPress core and themes.”

– says Robert Abela, CEO, and Founder of WP White Security in an interview with aisite

  • WordPress is constantly developing CMS and releases new versions all the time. It is a good thing in many ways but sometimes these updates are incompatible with older plugins.



To back up the info stated above, take a look at this infographic which describes the comparison between Weebly and WordPress: 



As it seems Weebly can be a great starter for users with basic web knowledge and is a good option for small websites. However, in the course of time, Weebly shows its limitations especially if your web project grows fast and needs to be more flexible. 

In checking the alternatives, WordPress is a reasonable example of a capable platform. It’s fully customizable, and as a reward, you get control of data and the ability to extend your site whatever you want.

Having your website on Weebly but want to join the WordPress team? Follow this guide to find out how to make a website within 15 min or sign up for Free Demo migration right now!

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