Joomla 3.7 Release: Experts’ Insights

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Not so long time ago a new Joomla 3.7 version has been released. This new release comes with a considerable amount of improvements. One of the biggest new features of Joomla 3.7 is the ability for administrators to add Custom Fields to articles, users, and contacts, and extension developers to use this feature within their own custom Joomla! extensions. It has also become easier to translate the website with the Multilingual Associations Component.

This release also brings a number of new and enhanced features specifically for developers. Joomla! 3.7 comes with the improvements within the update, caching and package/extension management systems, as well as a host of other under the hood advances.

Despite all the evident advantages of this new version, we have decided to ask Joomla experts about their thoughts and impressions concerning Joomla 3.7 release.


Cory Webb, a web developer who has followed his true passion and started Cory Webb MediaCory Webb, a web developer who has followed his true passion and started Cory Webb Media

Joomla 3.7 represents a huge leap forward for Joomla, in my opinion. The introduction of the custom fields tool is a game changer, making it possible to build some really interesting things with Joomla’s core. The backend menu manager is another great new feature that enables you to fully customize the administrator menu and control what admin users see.

Joomla 3.7 was supposed to ship with the updated routing system, but that feature didn’t quite make it for this version. That would have been a huge improvement, but unfortunately we have to wait for version 3.8 to take advantage of it.

Joomla 3.8 will include an updated routing system that should make SEF URL’s a lot cleaner, which is a big improvement. I’m really looking forward to Joomla 4.0, which I believe will be the next big leap forward for Joomla. It will improve SEO and introduce a better API for webservices, and it will also include some much needed UI/UX updates in the administrator. I’m excited to see Joomla continue to move forward and grow with new technology as the web continues to evolve.


Jeremy Chloe, Joomla developer, experienced WP specialistJeremy Chloe, Joomla developer, experienced WP specialist

I always appreciate Joomla and here’s the reason 5 Reasons To Use Joomla In Your Next Project.

Also, I think Joomla 3.7 is awesome with some significant improved features. As my work, a Joomla developer, my products had some conflicts with this Joomla version , but all is good now with some updated and fixed features you can take a look here [UPDATE] Four New Updates On JoomlaUX Extensions.


John Krzywanek, support manager at Perfect Dashboard - one of the top tools for managing websitesJohn Krzywanek, support manager at Perfect Dashboard – one of the top tools for managing websites

Custom fields are nice, but it would be very welcome for Joomla to test things more before a big release. There were a lot of issues, including a really important security issue like SQL injection in Joomla 3.7.0 and 3.7.1.


Derek Buntin, A Joomla! developer since 2005Derek Buntin, A Joomla! developer since 2005

I think every new release is always a step forward in the right direction.

The Joomla! CMS is a progressive system with new functionality being continually added for ease of use, take the new custom fields for instance and bugs being squashed to improve it’s efficiency and security.

The system is extendable, scalable and just as easy as any other comparable CMS, in fact, I’d say it is the easiest on the market and provides a rocksolid foundation for any personal or business website available.


Mario Urrutia, Joomla enthusiastMario Urrutia, Joomla enthusiast

Mostly we have to be grateful to all the teams that worked hard in order to bring us a new a more powerful version of this fantastic CMS. Joomla! goes beyond a simple publishing web tool, is a solid system with more capacities, more than ever, from this breakpoint. There are some new features that are the most commented but If you check by the details there is a lot of improvements, fixed issues and most important a good base for all the planned things it would have in the future and we are going to enjoy.


Quinn Rusnell, an experienced web developer and digital marketerQuinn Rusnell, an experienced web developer and digital marketer

As a Joomla user and developer for over a decade, I really love Joomla as a general CMS platform. While it’s updates have been somewhat slower than other CMS platforms, they tend to be stable and steadily improving. In the last few years, however, most of my clients have requested their websites redone in WordPress instead, so I am working less and less in Joomla. I don’t know what the future of Joomla will be, or the future of CMS systems in general. I expect AI will become more pervasive within website builders, either shifting development and design tasks to AI based CMS configurations, or cutting them out all together.


Like our ‘Experts Insights’ series? Check out also what CMS experts have to say about blogging in 2017.

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