Whether it is from the user perspective or client perspective, the first thing they see about an app or website is its design. It is not an easy process and asks a lot of creativity along with convincing ability. You can love the design but hate the color. Designing is a very personalized job, it has to be satisfying to the client and beautiful to the users as well.

Designing and developing a mobile app is a tricky thing. You don’t always know what the result you will get. That involves a lot of effort. The designer doesn’t only have to impress the users but also should be aware of the latest UI trends. 

Statistics say 60% of the developed apps are never downloaded, and 75% of the apps are used once and never again. Now you can see how important it is to stay tuned with the latest mobile UI trends, follow them and integrate them to make your app successful. Let me help you discover what are the top 10 designing trends are ruling 2021.

Integrating Overlapping Elements


overlapping designOne of the trends which are not here to fade is overlapping for the colors, fonts, and illustrations. This is not just for making the design look visually appealing but also to make the design look easy flowing and spaced out. See the difference yourself by mixing up the overlapping features along with the shadows. It will take your design to the next level.


Full Page Backgroundfull-background-image

This trend grabbed the attention of a wide range of users. It is all about keeping the full-screen background images. It gives a fresh look to the mobile apps. The user feels connected while using a particular picture or any specification. Once they use it, they feel kind of hooked and browse the app for a longer span. This increases user engagement and reduces the bounce rate.


Dynamic Colors

This is not something very new. It has been here since the inception of the design. But, the kind of colors to use keeps on changing with time. The current year is all about using dynamic colors. Just like the background images catch the user’s attention and hold it, colors work the same magic. This is the reason why the big players of the mobile app development industry like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp, and others keep on revamping the design and keep changing the colors. When the users visit the app, they get a fresh look at regular intervals. This will make them keep coming to check what’s new, whether the new is good or bad. And if it is good, they will more likely refer others to check it.      

No Buttons


It might feel you have traveled ahead in time… but no! You are in 2021 only. The mobile UI designing is following the trend of ‘No buttons’. It’s not that difficult to accept. Just take the example of Instagram, do you need any button to change your stories? No, right. It might have clicked you back then but now that you know, your next app must have no button trend a part of it. Also, the eCommerce apps don’t have buttons, you can just drag and drop your favorite items into the cart.


Animations have always been catchy and impressive. The design has reached a phase where now functional animations are used to represent fonts, catches, and images. It might be a possibility that in the near future, we can see the additions in the way of micro-association.


Landing Page With Hero Images

Hero images are basically the image that defines your app. These were found at the top of the app but, it is shifting at the landing page. If the hero image is something classy, it means the app is sober and elegant. If the hero image is flashy and colorful, it means the app is entertaining. O, if you are still placing the hero images on the top, it’s high time you should slide it down to the bottom.



One of the add-ons you need to make your app visually attractive is opacity. This will boost app transparency. The designer can insert varied transparency elements like color or even illustrations to get the glass surface feel in the app. Opacity can be an effective element for logo designing as well. The setting plays an important role in the final output. So, be sure you do it the right way.


You can hear this in every mobile UI designer’s mouth. The trend of filling the app with too many elements is long gone. Now, the simple, the better. Very limited


elements, the spaced-out design is in trend now. So, if you are still filling up your app with plenty of stuff, shift to the least.

Flawless Structure

This trend was there, it is still there, and is going to be there. At any point of time, there would not be any user who would appreciate a confusing interface. The design must have a flawless structure and go from one feature to another should not be complex. The user can navigate the app smoothly.

Customized Illustration

This is one of the best ways to personalize your app. The customized illustration will make your app different from others. Designing personalized apps is one of the popular trends of the current year. Different shapes, hand drawings, figures, and styles can be added for adding a distinctive image to the app.