WordPress CMS has made it very easy for non-technical people to make a website and get their content on the Internet. This is a great thing as it makes it simple for a normal person to present their ideas online. However, some users who have just started out with WordPress may wonder what are the things to do firstplace and which should better be avoided.  Find the short guide below.

WordPress Do’s

  • Do start writing and blogging. This is important, even if your website is not ready yet. Start writing and blogging immediately. If you make a nice WordPress blog, but never write or create content for it – what’s the whole point? You will have a cool looking blog, but no one will ever visit it. The reason people will visit your blog is for the content that is on it, not the nice design and layout.
  • Do start using social media to promote your blog. If you are on Facebook and you publish a new blog post, link to it on Facebook or any other social media sites that you are active on. This is where the first wave of traffic will come from. It will take time for the search engines to index your site and figure out where to rank your site in the searches.
  • Do use pictures. Pictures are great at breaking up the content and keeping the reader engaged. Most people on the internet do not read, they scan. So pictures can help break up the long text.
  • Do use videos. Everyone loves videos. These can be  simple videos of you talking about what you are blogging about. This allows the visitors to see you and get to know you better. If you don’t like to do videos you can find videos that are related to your topic. This helps your reader stay on your site longer and become more deeply engaged with your content.
  • Do connect with other bloggers. This can be done through social media. Find their blogs, leave a comment and share their content on the social media. There is a good possibility that they will also share your content in return.
  • Do use plugins. You may notice something you liked on someone’s website. There’s a good chance it is done by a plugin or a widget. You can install it on your blog and check it out. But do not be too much excited over the plugins and keep track of the ones you’re not using – delete them or your website is going to be slower to load.
  • Do use other themes. It may take a little time, but try out new themes to play with the appearance of your site. Use the one that you like and that fits your website. You can also alter the theme during some special periods – like Christmas time or your personal big days.

A Few WordPress Don’ts

  • WordPress don'tsDon’t procrastinate with your blogging. Already hit this point, but get on a regular routine when you publish things. The more frequently your blog is updated, the more return visitors you will get to your site. Some just want to see whether you posted anything new.
  • Don’t copy anything and pass it off as your own. If you find anything you would like to share with your readers, indicate the source. You can give credit by linking back to the original website. Most site owners will be grateful for this.
  • You can take excerpts from a website and respond that part or add more to it. You should still include a link to their blog or website.
  • Don’t use copyrighted photos. If you search Google Image for a photo to use in your blog, be sure that it is not copyrighted. You can get into a lot of trouble if a picture is copyrighted.
  • Don’t get hung up on the technical stuff. You can always find the answer to a question you have by asking other bloggers you are in contact with or just pay someone else to do it.

WordPress is a great CMS and allows everyday people to get their ideas out on the internet. If you already have a website and want to move to WordPress CMS, leave all the work to the professionals.

You can get all your content migrated with the help of CMS2CMS. This online service can conduct your WordPress import very quickly and easily. So, register an account and in moments you will have your new site up and running on WordPress CMS.